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1,000% increase in app downloads

Global digital advertising rollout

“ Double have been exceptional. Their video ads have made a fundamental difference to our marketing growth. With a data-lead approach to perfecting creative, they were able to build better performing ads so that we could scale our ad spend. We now have beautiful ads that our whole team is proud of, and better yet, they really convert! If you really want to grow, I can’t recommend Double enough. ”

Stephen Vlok,
CEO and Founder

Decrease in cost per download
With new video creative


Growth in monthly new users
Since starting with Double

xX $

Increase in revenue
Against original target

About the Company

Celo is a secure messaging app for doctors and healthcare professionals. The product helps to make daily communication smoother for healthcare teams while solving the data/privacy issues faced by hospitals. With a huge market opportunity. Celo needed a way to exponentially grow their users within the cost constraints of a growing software company.

Project brief
  1. Define a scalable growth strategy
  2. Grow daily active users as fast as possible
  3. Improve conversion & minimise cost per new user
What we did
  • Landing page design & CRO
  • Ads management
  • Creative strategy
  • Analytics & attribution
  • Ad production
Content Production

Ads that convert busy doctors & nurses

We needed healthcare professionals to sit up and take notice. With COVID-19 making workplaces extremely busy and stressful, our ads needed to be bitesized, explanatory and compelling. We shot a series of 6 - 15 second ads for Facebook and Instagram that worked to introduce Celo, build product curiosity and drive users to download the app.

Our ads drew inspiration from the highly successful by advertising campaign, with a healthcare focus. Tapping into the need to reduce individual stress and the frustration of slow team communication. Celo offered a compelling way to solve a huge problem in a users daily life. Across a single day of shooting we created 12 ads and a foundation of content to elevate the brand and drive user growth throughout the world.

Website Design

Educational landing pages that convert users who stay

Our ads drove curious users to the website but we didn’t just need downloads, we needed our users endorsement and confidence to invite their whole team to try Celo. As with any messenger product, its usefulness is only as strong as the size of your network. We found that for user to stick, they needed to fully understand the benefits to them and their wider team.

We designed a series of landing page to educate and convert informed trials and demos. We discovered that the more senior a healthcare worker (to a point) less concerned they were to introduce a new product to their team. We split-tested different versions and settled on landing pages that championed workflow smoothness and highlighted the GDPR privacy risks of consumer messaging apps.

Website Design

Mobile-first Lead Generation

From the beginning, we knew we had to rethink the website. With a young audience, short attention spans and 95% of traffic on mobile, the website needed to be simple, engaging and attention-grabbing. We structured the website to convert cold traffic into leads for the sales team, build brand trust and cover off major buying reservations.

Result Focus

Getting The Result

xX %

Increase in ticket sales
Against original target of 5k