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Over $500,000 Total Sale Revenue (from scratch in two weeks)

The Spa Family

“We’re all shocked with the results Double has helped us achieve in only two weeks. They’ve smashed every sales record we had and created advertising our whole team is really proud of. All of a sudden we’re on track to triple revenue this year and we can’t wait.”

David Brumby,
$ 500k

New sales from ads
over two weeks


Return on Ads Spend
Attributed to our campaign

xX $

Increase in revenue
Against original target

About the Company

Spa Family are part of the Rotaform Group, an established New Zealand manufacturer. With a focus on producing quality, affordable spa pools for Kiwi homes, Double was tasked with growing the company as fast as possible. The result was re-usable campaign design to be repeated each month in one of 10 locations across NZ. The first launch of Auckland’s “Big Splash Spa Sale” was the beginning of a campaign rollout set to change the future of the company and drive millions in additional sales.

Project brief
  1. Build a profitable ads campaign to drive sustainable growth
  2. Drive people to our showroom via digital
What we did
  • Digital Strategy
  • Creative Development
  • Content Production
  • Post Production
  • Social Ads
  • Ads Strategy & Placement
  • Google Ads
  • Social Ads
  • Ecommerce Website
Website Rebuild

New website, Designed for Conversion

To support ongoing marketing activity we designed and built a new website focused on brand clarity and driving enquiries. It articulated a relatable brand promise, a wide range of products, championed affordability and key benefits, and gave a clear path to enquiry, showroom directions and online purchase.

Youtube Ads

Content Production

We designed and shot a range of extremely effective ads to promote the Big Splash Spa Sale.

We set the the tone with cheeky kiwi ads that sold the Spa Family spa as the solution to all their problems, the new household centrepiece, enabling kiwis to enjoy paradise every night of the week.

Ads were filmed to be modular, easily swapping out discount amounts, sale locations and dates during editing, meaning ads could be reused again and again throughout the country.

Selling over $1 million worth of spas across the first few months of the campaign, we’re happy to help another kiwi company grow from strength to strength.

Ad Placement

To drive traffic into Spa Family’s showroom during the Auckland Big Splash Spa Sale, we served targeted  ads across Facebook, Instagram, Youtube and Google to capture our key audiences. This resulted in a 30x return on ad spend with over half a million dollars worth in spa sales within two weeks.

Result Focus

Getting The Result

xX %

Increase in ticket sales
Against original target of 5k